Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Temperament

I appear to be a Sanguine-Choleric...

Taken from 'The Temperament God Gave You':

Motivating the Sanguine
The challenge: Persevering until the end.

"Sanguines are lively and eager right out of the gate. They are enthusiastic, full of ideas, and are avid to begin. In fact, they will be eager to start on many projects! But some races are sprints, and others marathons. The sanguine needs help with the long runs. Because impressions are not lasting, they are quickly followed by new impressions. As a result, the sanguine appears to be volatile and changeable in his moods or whims, and tends to be weak in follow-through."

They've almost nailed me in a paragraph! :D So, yes, I really need to follow through.

Sanguine Motivational Strengths:
Creative, enthusiastic, inspiring team player. Easy to get "fire;'d up," at least initially.

May overlook details or be overly confident. May agree with others rather than take an unpopular position. Can become easily discouraged by grinding details or obstacles.

Needs help setting up a schedule and following through. May give up if the job loses fun, so needs good structure and positive direction.

Motivating Comments for the Sanguine:
"Very exciting!" (since my secondary is choleric, I might take this sarcastically)
"I love your ideas!"
"Let's work on this together!" (yes, I love to work in teams)
"Let's go to Starbucks and write up a proposal, make a time-line, and set up a schedule." (sounds good, except for the Starbucks part... their coffee tastes like water...)

Hard work + patience= Rewards

My secondary is choleric... Though I am far more sanguine than choleric.

Motivating the Choleric
The challenge: Setting the right goals.

"The passionate choleric is a self-motivating leader, naturally driven to complete his objectives. His keen, pragmatic, intellect quickly assesses the steps necessary to achieve his goals, and once he sets his sights, he is off running like the Energizer Bunny. Because of his quickness, zeal, and strong will, the choleric may hastily and imprudently choose a goal that contains serious flaws. He tends not to seek advice, for he tends to overvalue his own intelligence and his assessment of the situation at hand. He may not have properly considered all of the surrounding issues and can be imprudent in his haste; then, out of pride, he refuses to reconsider or change course."

So, yes, I seem to hold a bit of that in me. Quite a bit.

Motivational Strengths:
Highly productive, naturally motived, and persevering. (That doesn't sound too much like me...)

Tends to overlook details and can roll over people (I do roll over people). Impatient with lack of results. Can be overly confident. (All that sounds a lot like me)

Needs to take more time to set the right goals and strategize to ensure that prudential decisions are made. Needs to be charitable in dealing with people along his path. Needs to reflect more on details, and be more open to good advice from others.

Motivating comments for the choleric:
"Your idea is great!"
"I think your plan will save the company, but let's make sure this is the right goal before we embark."
"What does the rest of the team think about it?"
"Let's brainstorm some ideas to avoid potential pitfalls."

"A Star is Born"

"Sit back and enjoy a sanguine child! He is eager, bright, sensitive, funny, fun-loving and enthusiastic. He is a quick learner and equally quick to react, but never bears a grudge. He is eager to please others and wants everyone to be happy; fun is always a prime motivator. The sanguine child wears his heart on his sleeve: you will see in his expressive face the swift fluctuation of moods, emotions, ideas, and impulses."

Sounds a ton like me.

Sanguine children do and don'ts:
-Help them organize their time wisely.
-Provide structure and concrete guidelines.
-Give them noble ideas to pursue.
-Help them reflect and go into greater depth.
-Encourage them to develop good friendships.
-Communicate often, and appreciate their humor.
-Show interest in their friends and interests.
-Praise them when they persevere.
And I'll be your best friend! =)

-Take away their fun! (Don't be a wet blanket all the time!)
-Leave them entirely to their own devices.
-Deny them their social life.
-Scoff at their interests.
-Punish harshly or repressively.
Or I'll cry. =(

"The Dynamo"

"True to his temperament, the choleric child is a leader and tightly coiled bundle of ambition: strong-willed, determined, a quick learner. He won't be content to just make the team; he'll want to be the leading scorer and take the last-minute winning shot. Because he has the ability to focus his will, and is very goal-orientated, he tends to do the things he likes very well.He is comfortable expressing himself and excelling. On the other side of the coin, he can be rather impatient, argumentative, stubborn, interruptive, quick-tempered, and occasionally lacking in empathy-especially when things aren't going his way. The choleric child loves to argue and debate. Don't take it personally. It's not a sign of disrespect or willful provocation. Especially when they are teens-and are still devolping their powers of critical analysis and discernment-they may dispassionately take the opposing view of yours simply for the sake of argument. Reacting punitively to this contentiousness will only solidify their opposing stance."

That is so me.

Choleric children do's and don'ts

-Acknowledge their achievements and contirbutions.
-Give them opportunities to compete and debate.
-Give them good reasons for what you are asking.
-Pick your battles (or you will be arguing all the time).
-Help them develop empathy and civility and to listen before speaking.
And I'll love you!

-Punish them for arguing.
-Squelch competition and initiative.
-Control everything about their lives.
-Try to break their will.
-Take their arguments too personally-unless they are disrespectful.
If you do that to me, I'll become even more hard then I was.

Now, for the combination:

"The Sanguine-Choleric is the most extroverted of all temperament combinations. the good news is that, with this combination, the optimistic, impulsive, fun-loving sanguine becomes more capable of follow-through, taking significant leadership roles, and juggling many projects without unduly sacrificing productivity. This temperament tends to be a happy combination of decisiveness and charm, analytical skills and creativity, friendliness and reliability."
"His ability to connect with people should tone down some of the 'bulldozer' characteristics of the pure choleric. He is insightful and enthusiastic, with good people skills. He is also capable of constancy, dedication, and serious undertakings, although at times he may be underestimated, due to his often humorous and lighthearted manner. He is not only capable of creative inspirations, but also you will find within him the persistence and drive needed to carry out his inspirations."
"The bad news is that, if intellectual, human, or spiritual formation is seriously lacking, this temperament blend can exhibit the worst of the two temperaments: overly talkative, brassy, opinionated, loud, rash, swift to jump to conclusions, and forgetful (man, they have me on a page!). The high-spirited humor of the sanguine can become biting and hurtful when combined with the unforgiving, vengeful nature of the poorly-formed choleric. If pleasure-seeking and impulsivity are not contained, the sanguine-choleric may wind up with a lax conscience that justifies his weaknesses, ultimately resulting in habitual sin. On the other hand, the natural generosity flowing from the sanguine temperament will commit him to many good works."

Spiritual gifts:
Joy, mercy, magnanimity, gratitude.

Spiritual weaknesses:
Self-love, envy, seeking esteem and human respect.

Spiritual gifts:
Zeal for souls, fortitude, knowlege.

Spiritual weaknesses:
Self-will, control, anger, haughtiness, superiority.


There! I'm written down in 10 minutes. This is what I'm like. Man, now I'll probably lose all my friends, now that they know what I'm like. =(


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Circumstantial God

In a recent debate I had (yes, so unlike me :P), my friend and I debated both abortion, and salvation.

My friend said, "The babies are better off de;'ad." To which I replied that, "If you heard about a gi;'rl that some people were going to ki;ll, would you say she was better off dea;';d ? Would you, and let her die? Could you, and let her die? You don't know her, no. I don't know the babies I'm trying to save."

So, yes, that was one of our many debates.

The next time he said that the babies were better off de;'ad because they would go to Heaven. However, in the Salvation debate, I said "Nothing unclean shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven. So, am I going to Hell since I stole that candy bar and then was shot (since there is no Purgatory, in his view)?" He replied that God would know what I would have done, and judged me accordingly.

So, if God just looks into our future, relies on circumstances, then all those babies don't go to Heaven. That baby would be a gang leader, shoot a ton of people, and yeah, never repent.

If God is so circumstantial with the candy bar person, why isn't he with the unborn baby?

Maybe I'm just crazy right now, because I get like that... And maybe I'll just delete this post tomorrow, but until then, this is how I feel now. ^_^


Monday, February 23, 2009

I hope you'll all participate in this!:

"I don't know exactly where this idea originated, but I keep hearing
more and more about it -- and now hundreds of thousands of pro-life
Americans are getting on board.

So in case you somehow missed it, I thought you'd like to know
about it, too: the RED ENVELOPE campaign.

The idea is to swamp the White House mail room with red envelopes
that represent babies killed through abortion. Each envelope is
empty, signifying the life we never got to know.

Here are the simple instructions:

---> 1. Get a red envelope at an office supply or party store.

---> 2. Address is to the president:

President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington DC 20500

---> 3. On the back, write this message:

This envelope represents one child who died
in abortion. It is empty because that life was
unable to offer anything to the world.
Responsibility begins with conception.

---> 4. Stamp the envelope and mail it.

It's that simple, L -- anybody can do it.

But to be effective, we need HUGE numbers of pro-lifers to
participate. So send YOUR red envelope, and let all your pro-life
friends know about the campaign, too.

When Barack Obama sees how many Americans are willing to TAKE
ACTION to speak up for unborn babies, he may rethink his anti-life

At the very least, he'll hesitate to push those policies so hard --
We owe it to the babies to do what we can to put the brakes on the
pro-abortion agenda in the White House.

Yours for Life,

-- Eric

P.S. Don't forget to let your friends know about this campaign. You
can forward this message, and sign up on Facebook too:

Eric Scheidler
Communications Director
Pro-Life Action League

Tel: 630-896-1200

Pro-Life Action League
6160 N Cicero Ave, Ste 600
Chicago, IL 60646, USA"

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Fox and the Hound 2

Here I am again to critique the movie The Fox and the Hound 2. I had high expectations after seeing the original, which is the only movie ever that has made me cry (honestly...a cute little fox being stranded of all family sitting by a fence? Aww...), but was thoroughly dissapointed. I must admit that I did not watch a few parts, but the whole message came across.

First off, this movie was done completely out of context of the original, based off what I saw. The characters should have been unchanged, since this is from the time Tod and Copper were still young. However, far too many other characters are included.

I have to question what the actual goal of making this was. There were no loopholes in the original, and I was proud of it. It left nothing lacking -- so why bother with a sequel if they couldn't either keep the bar or raise it?

Next, this movie completely ignores the qualities of good and bad. The original made massive distinctions between these two forces, with all due thanks to Amos and Chief. Those two were the total antagonists, and made the situations far more relatable for children. They were shown as what they really were -- the bad guys. Somehow, people have become sensitive to what bad guys really are, aside from somebody who "takes away your dreams." Explaining that'll be for another post, though. The necessity for this is that children need a basic knowledge of the differences between good and evil. Without these, they'll enter life thinkin' drugs are good an' school is bad. Perhaps I'll go over the massive list of the importances of school in yet another post. Besides -- children have a much harder time relating to a Man vs. Himself plot, as opposed to a Man vs. Man plot. That being, children have a harder time reckoning with the evils in feelings than in the evils of, well...evil.

Okay, I'm done with morals...oh, wait! One more! I've for a while now been contemplating why movies are attempting to tell us the importance of keeping friendships. I'm not saying they shouldn't -- I'm saying that that's become the focus of many movies, this one as a prime example. That used to be the side-plot in children's epics, and was also thoroughly motivated throughout the original Fox and the Hound. What is the point? Why digress from something as important as say the need for mercy and compassion for something as simple-minded as friendship? I'm not saying friendship is an idle, useless thing! I fully support all my friendships, and intend to cherish them 'til my final breath, but the importance of friendships is a terrible moral for an entire feature length film. I'll likely return to this as well in another much to do.

Okay, now I'm over morals. I'll probably return to look at this post later and decide to change some stuff, or if it's that much later re-post it altogether...but, oh, well. I've rarely been perfect the first time around. I've got some things to say over this "band" thing that's accumulated in our topic. The movie, I mean...the title is too long to keep repeating. The addition of this makes the overall story inconsistent. As earlier stated, there should have been no major side-characters to fundamentally change Tod's and Copper's knowledge throughout this. For some odd reason all my other points leave me now, but I'll come back.

Amos and the Widow have far too little spite between them in this. In the original movie, the Widow is apprehensive of her mood toward Amos, but still gets angry at him for trying to shoot Tod. Now, she almost seems to be friends with him...what? In the end, she's serving him pie, whom she held at the point of a gun!? Again, don't get me wrong -- I'm all for forgiveness, but wasn't she mad at him throughout the original film? Wasn't there emnity? *sigh*

I regret, that is all I have for now, since it is late and I must have my beauty rest, but I'll return with more...oho, you can bet on that! *fiendish grin*

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pictures of Lambs

Here of some pictures of my lambs that I caught:
You have to click on them to see the whole thing...

And the automatic response:


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

But he's the first black president!

Honestly, I couldn't care less what his skin color is. Saying that is racist. I never want to hear it again.

I simply want to go over very briefly what skin color is down to the very molecules that make us, and why there's no difference, and why this shouldn't reflect an election.

DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid, is the stuff that codes for proteins, which is what we are made up of. DNA can code for proteins for things like eye color, how quickly your hair grows, hair color, or skin color. A chromosome is the state of DNA when it is tightly packed when a cell is ready to reproduce, usuqally in the shape of an "X". Quite nearlyalmostjustabout every cell in our body has two of all 23 (correct me if that's wrong...I'm going on memory here) chromosomes, every single one of them an exact copy. A section of any pair of chromosomes together is called a gene, a single of them is called an allele. Every gene codes for a protein.

Now that we have an idea for what DNA is, let's get reproduction down. In bisexual reproduction, two gametes meet and form a zygote. Each gamete has only 1 set of chromosomes (hence the "nearlyalmostjustabout" in the previous paragraph), so when the two gametes merge (a sperm and an egg), the new organism has two different sets of chromosomes coding for whatever the parents' did, but both of them! *g* Anyways, most of the time there is a dominant and recessive allele. So, let's say the allele for green eyes is dominant for the allele for blue eyes. That means, whenever just one of the parents has green eyes, the reproduced organism will. However, only if both have blue eyes will the reproduced organism have blue eyes. I don't know if that's the way it really is, it is merely an example. Don't take it for granted that everything I say in my examples is true. It's the overall message that counts, anyway.

There are a hundred different skin colors out there, and every one of them has a different coding. White people can have black kids, they just need to possess the genes for it, which is actually a semi-frequent occurance. It also works vice-versa, and in every other way possibly conceivable. Skin color doesn't change anything.

Sorry, but I have to define racism here. First off, what racism ISN'T!!!
Discrimination against people with black skin color.
I swear, everywhere I go, that's what people seem to think it is. I don't like that. That's not racism. That's not...moral. Discriminating against people with one tiny different gene, just a different skin color, is wrong. No matter what way you put it.

I hope I've helped heal some people. If there are any complaints about this post, I'd appreciate them a lot.
